Signage still counts! Here are 5 reasons why.

With the onset of the internet and the world wide web online has become the fad.  There appears to have been a seismic shift as of late for organizations to move everything online. However signage for brick and mortar stores, showrooms and organizations is flourishing in both the corporate and property market. Having a great branding is the  key differentiation wherever that might be. Signarama CBD has 5 reasons why physical signage is still relevant today. After all, your signage is what defines YOU!

1. Your Signage Defines You.

If you have a brick and mortar presence, think of your building signage as the ideal approach to enlighten the outside world regarding your business. Silently educating people about who you are, what you do, and above all why they require you. Yes, your sales person can do that, agreed! But the difference between a sign and your sales rep is that you can leave the sign outside working for you 24/7 without a single day of sick leave. What better way to do this than with brightly lit Illuminated signage that adorn your building. Outdoor signage can be either Neon or LED light boxes depending on your business.

Great signage goes about as the door to your business. It doesn’t depend on individuals trawling through the web to locate your sort of product or service, weighty SEO or focused on advertising. Rather, it says ‘Hi There! We are here for you, Come in and talk to us!’

2. First impressions count.

Just imagine that you went in for an interview in your pajamas. Your customers, potential clients and associates may not consider you serious in what you do. Don’t worry – that’s not what we are asking you to do. We are just highlighting the importance of signage. Just remember first impressions count and your signage is most often the first one!

Indoor signs in their own right have to convey a lot of information in a glance. So treat indoor signage as your elevator pitch. Once they’ve stepped inside your office or lobby the client carries on searching for visual hints and clues as to whether they like you, can trust you and what you can do for them. If not, you may have lost the competition. Lobby signage can be a deal maker or breaker. Effective reception signage is your brand identity, your dependability and trustworthiness. Signage needs to be consistent, clear and concise throughout your premise. Trust Signarama CBD to do it right with great acrylic signs.

3. Being visible is the key.

Being online is never the same as being seen with your own two eyes. For example, In spite of the ascent in online property portals we still see a number of  estate agents’ putting up banners to announce properties for sale or rent. The banners provide visibility and defines clear calls to action in  the neighborhood, telling them that: “this house is available for sale/ rent and this is the place you can get more information”

Likewise, vehicles can be used as effective means of being visible. Van wraps and van decals constantly remind your potential customers and clients of your presence. Tapping into their subconscious mind.  Signarama CBD’s expert designers truly know how to tap into the subconscious mind. With the latest printing processes and high quality vinyl you can pretty much do anything with vehicle signage be it car wrapsboat wraps or bus wraps when it comes to layout, colours and style, and you don’t have the similar confinements to embrace trends that you sometimes do when they are done online. Fortune favours the brave, so go ahead and be bold with your design

4. Keeping up with the seasons.

Changing patterns have an extensive influence in the signage world. Wall graphics and glass graphics are a cost effective way to keep up with the changing seasons. Glass decals can portray the  changing trends or defining your unique value propositions –window branding can truly set you apart. The designers at Signarama CBD can create trendy and attractive window displays that showcase your products. Window graphics are easy to install and remove, and your customers will always have something to look forward to when they pass your store.

5. Don’t take our word for it.

Signs definitely increase visibility and thereby the sales. No we at Signarama CBD do not recommmed that you go trigger happy plastering your office or retail outlet with signage. Too much of a good thing can be bad. Call us for a no obligations consultation We can recommend strategic locations for signage and colours to make signage effective. Effective signage relates to more customer spend, increasing brand awareness and more referrals.

In a case study researchers found that 76% of prospective clients have entered a shop based on the signs, and 68% of them said that they had purchased products after seeing a sign relating to that item or service.

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