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Tenant Screening Process

When we receive the Client’s Tenant Application. We go through the rigorous steps to ensure the following:

1. If the Tenant can afford the Rental Property for a number of reasons. Our own specialized internal system, is very similar to Canadian banking systems in that it examines TDS.  Similarly, to the banks mortgage approval process, we examine important elements of the application such as: the family income and the financial stability of the tenant to determine whether they can afford the monthly rent, or if they may be deemed as a risky tenant to potentially avoid.

2. Firstly, the income must be verified. To verify their income, we require viable information such as: pay stubs to verify their employer and place of work. Additionally, the funds may originate from a variety of sources, which we verify as well.

3. Secondly, we review the entire Rental Application to determine the tenant’s stability and risk. To establish stability, we look at the tenant’s occupation and how frequently they change has it. Additionally, we verify their previous employment information and any unusual names or references on the application.

4. Thirdly, we’ll look at their credit score. That is verified through two main Canadian accredited bureaus as Equifax or TransUnion.

5. Lastly and more specifically, we review the tenant’s background, Family Size, Pets, references, requirements, and individual circumstances in the application, and share all aspects including the strengths & weaknesses of the application with the landlord, toward determining whether the tenants are a good fit for your home or not.

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