Transportation, Safety and Socio-Economic Sustainability Unit
This unit covers engineering, socio-economic and environmental aspects with a multi-dimensional approach to mitigate the negative consequences of infrastructural development. The main focus would be to examine the theoretical underpinning of varied empirical explanations for knowledge synthesis and its transfer for practical intervention.
The changes in the mobility patterns do make an impact on people’s livelihood, access to social development, increased social risks, production and consumption patterns and supply chain. This may also increase development activities like industrialisation, tourism which may have a serious influence on people’s social lives, water quality and its availability, air quality, consumption patterns and even music and culture.
This unit shall also capture the changes in cultural values, marketization of cultural monuments and heritage, exploitation of natural resources, changes in demographic community structures, social tensions, crime and violence.
This unit shall strive to bridge the distributional gaps in terms of benefits across populations and policy recommendations to fill these gaps and it shall evolve strategies particularly on social aspects of road safety, including financial investments to enhance awareness of road conduct amongst various users, etc.
Further, the benefits from reduction in travel time and material costs for the commuters, and also to quantity contribution to local economies through tourism and changing land use and land value shall also be quantified.
The main thrust of this unit is to provide inputs to enrich public policy to address issues relating to citizens’ well being by making highways sustainable and safe. And also to create platforms for public engagement in making transportation safe, affordable, profitable and social development accessible to people living on the margins.
About Traffic Psychology Unit
“In a time when driverless cars are becoming a reality, The Psychology of Driving shows us how human behaviour and decisions can still affect our lives on the road.”
– Graham J. Hole.
This unit in collaboration with Punjab Police will explore on drivers and driving will cover wide range of topics and approaches within psychology. The driving assignment, as mind boggling regular errand, gives a concentration to a wide scope of hypotheses and systems and permits these to be tried and expounded in a profoundly applicable applied setting. This unit gives outline of the significant subjects like driver insight and cognizance and the social psychology of driving. Traffic psychology likewise huge commitments to make to the improvement of mishap countermeasures. This doesn’t just incorporate conventional methodologies, for example, road user education and training, however it is additionally contended that utilization of mental information about driver discernment and cognizance can add to ideal road and vehicle design.
News and Events
Toll Roads under NHAI in the state of Punjab (As on 31st Jan 2021)
NH44 Section Passing through Punjab (As on 31st Jan 2021)
Schedule for Trainings/Seminars for Awareness and Capacity Building - August
On-Going Projects
Project 1 – Road Safety Assessment of National Highways project will endeavour to have an extensive survey of the National Highway Toll Road from a safety, economic, social and natural viewpoint. It will likewise consider the guide continued in execution of the highway projects and its results. The current effort has been imagined as a research, dispersal and training program to deliver the issues identifying with: a) reduction in hazard factor and to make travel on highways easy to use; b) capture safety, ecological and economic impact; c) derive a model to make the highway forgiving and complete. An endeavour will likewise be made to give ease and viable arrangements by making adaptability analysis. This project shall centre on interrelated parts of national highway toll roads including safety, aesthetics, engineering, and the management techniques. An examination of these will help policy planners from assorted areas and road safety professionals in future to set up boundaries for safe travel, easy to use, bother free, hassle free travel experience, minimize environmental and social costs.
Project 2 – The project shall quantify the social impact of highways on the Ease of Living of the citizens of the state including road safety. The rating scale shall capture both the road safety and access to ease of living indicators through the use of basket of indicators and provide toll road-wise and state-wise policy framework for interventions. This will include changes in road safety, crime rate mortality rate, access to higher education, markets, employment and trauma centres etc. There is a need to evolve measurable indicators to capture social change due to highways and transportation. This will help formulate sustainable, equitable and distributive justice-oriented implementable policies and to improve the existing infrastructure.
Project 3 – This project deals with the capacity building of road users & stakeholders and awareness of general public on road conduct and benefits of connectivity through highways. Three main thrusts areas shall be road users (like truck drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and other vehicle operators), stakeholders (like personnel of police, health, education, women and child, transport, industry and trade departments) and state-level policy planners, heads of health, education and social welfare institutions. Sensitization of Road Safety to commuters travelling on the road along with toll employees, inhabitants along the highway, public gathering locations, to ascertain the level of knowledge and awareness. Preparation of manuals that benefits one and d all will be prepared in order to have better outreach in the society.