Professional Development Course for Teachers Teaching Economics
(3 Months)

The Institute for Development and Communication (IDC) is a premier autonomous research, training and evaluation organisation of North-West of India.

Public Policy and Sustainable Development Unit (PPSDU)

The collective activities of human beings have altered the earth’s ecosystems, which have been well studied since the post-industrialization era. In the Indian context, the development model with productive sectors, as drivers succeeded in achieving double -digit growth rate. This accomplishment had a heavy social and environment cost in the form of reckless exploitation of environmental resources and their pollution without caring for the requirements of future generations. In order to mitigate the impacts and manage the risk from these environmental degradations, policy makers must begin addressing environmental, social, governance (ESG) and economic issues in a holistic way. The Unit proposes to closely examine the recent challenges faced by economies across the globe, especially the Indian economy relating to sustainable development. The Unit will also translate these emerging challenges and trends into guidance markers for the Indian policy makers.

Public policy and sustainable development and their interface are interdisciplinary in nature, therefore PPSDU aims to provide a vibrant academic environment for experts from various disciplines, professionals, civil society, and different stakeholders to work together. Keeping in view the thrust area of the Unit, blending of quantitative and qualitative research approaches will be the defining feature of research methodology and its tools.

Director Research
Prof. B.S. Ghuman
(Public Policy and Sustainable Development Unit)

Prof. Ghuman is Director Research, Public Policy and Sustainable Development Unit at the Institute for Development and Communication (IDC).