Education and Evaluation Studies Unit
Education and Evaluation Studies Unit has been conducting studies within broad framework laid down in planning and policy declarations. To this end, it attempts to redefine goals that are desirable and achievable. Studies undertaken also focus on to improve teaching-learning environment, which has social proximity in terms of its idiom and medium. The thrust of the u nit has been to reinforce the vital need to launch separate policies and formulate strategies to cater to the specific requirements and aspirations of underprivileged sections of society.Another focus of this unit is measuring the extent and reach of social security and safety nets. A number of studies have been undertaken on issues like measurement of evaluation of primary health-care system, primary education system, community health evaluation including infant and child mortality, sanitation, AIDS, immunisation and family planning.Both macro and micro level evaluations have been conducted by using innovative methodological tools, participatory qualitative methods, neighbourhood analysis, walkthroughs, multi-cluster indicator survey, etc.
Director Research
Asha Sethi
(Education and Evaluation Studies)
Dr. Asha Sethi is a retired Professor of Education from Panjab University, Chandigarh. She has 30 years of experience in teaching, guiding and doing research in the field of Education. Her specialization is in the areas of Educational Psychology, Guidance and counselling, Research, Measurement and Evaluation. At present Prof. Sethi is supervising research projects in the area of Education in general, and Adult Education and Literacy in particular. Besides, she is actively involved in extension activities delivering lectures in Academic Staff Colleges; and as a Resource Person in seminars and workshops in the region.